The session, available on-demand on Vimeo, focused on using the Readiness Assessment for Pragmatic Trials (RAPT) model to assess an intervention's readiness for an embedded pragmatic clinical trial. The Q&I team helped to create RAPT for research teams to assess an intervention's readiness when deciding whether and how to proceed with a pragmatic trial (2019 paper). The model includes nine domains that reflect a range of considerations regarding the feasibility of successfully employing pragmatic methods and the prospect of an intervention’s widespread adoption, if effective.
After listening to the Grand Rounds talk, participants should:
- Understand how RAPT complements and differs from PRECIS-2
- Understand RAPT's domains and their relevance for conducting an ePCT
- Learn how RAPT results can inform decisions about and preparation for proceeding to an ePCT
- Be prepared to apply RAPT to interventions and use results to guide team discussion
The RAPT website includes additional context about the model, as well as related resources: